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tv   [untitled]    March 18, 2011 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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the world in turmoil as everyone awaits the next move in libya why is there a blind eye turned that a grade on what exactly makes her doll fees so different from the us both take a look at america's foreign policy a policy song called the prophecy. and japan on the brink of virtue or no bold like catastrophe is it really possible to prevent a full scale nuclear disaster so you resources. and while libya and japan are in turmoil president obama heads south to a more stable and growing region live in america the clip is now be again catch up
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. it's friday march eighteenth five pm in washington d.c. i'm christine friends out there watching our t.v. . i want to start now with the situation in libya as we told you yesterday the united nations approved resolution to impose a no fly zone there moammar gadhafi has called for a cease fire was unclear what that actually means as reports of violence continue to come out of libya and now we're hearing reports that france and great britain may be getting ready to send planes to the area even sooner than expected will start off with an inside look for martys policy or. what circuit hearing that rebels feel it's a little more than a contradiction they simply do not believe the gadhafi regime they say that they will not heed the ceasefire call it point to the fact that clashes still continue in the east of the west of the country we know that in the town of misrata which is
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some two hundred kilometers from benghazi which is a rebel stronghold there were receiving reports of people who have been killed among them children passions that also continue in the town of ajdabiya which is a little bit closer to benghazi we've heard unconfirmed reports that there have been two explosions outside the capital city of tripoli are now in the foreign minister certainly surprised the international community mr musso koussa when he did that libya would be implementing a cease fire immediately he said it would be this a station of all military activities he said that the government had a responsibility to protect humanitarian assistance to provide humanitarian assistance to protect human life to provide protection for foreign assets and foreign citizens he also called a full open dialogue now the international community particularly the e.u. is struggling to make sense of what the libyan foreign minister meant and what the position of the gadhafi government is you need to remember that it is less than twenty four hours ago that gadhafi son is safe islam say that all of this would be
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over within forty eight hours and he said he was alluding to move violence and more protests and more military action on the ground we're hearing from france that they are remaining forces we're hearing from london that gadhafi needs to be judged by his actions and not by his words and we're hearing from the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton that the international community is still going to go ahead with increased implementing this no fly zone she too saying that only even can gadhafi be judged in terms of what his real motives are the rebels here really do support the call for a no fly zone but even they are particularly cautious and they are against that no fly zone being enlarged to mean something more the question being asked is if you know fly zone does not work if indeed a no fly zone is not able to stop. regime some punted on continuing with the these military activities what will be the next state been exposed has been banging the question of when exactly will this no fly zone be implemented we still have no timeframe how long will it continue for will it have
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a libya who exactly will be involved and who will have the chain of command now we are hearing parallels being made with the situation in the operations in iraq and afghanistan here too the call is for civilians to be taken care of but as we saw in iraq in afghanistan a lot of innocent people died and as we've heard from germany which was one of the countries to abstain from voting on this u.n. resolution they say it carries considerable dangers and risks the same caution was voiced by the russian ambassador to the united nations russia of course another country who abstained from that u.n. resolution. in essence a whole range of questions raised by the russian federation and other security council members remain questions which were both concrete and legitimate questions regarding how the no fly zone would be enforced and the rules of engagement would be limits to the use of force provisions were introduced into the text potentially
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opening the door to large scale military intervention responsibility for the inevitable humanitarian consequences and excessive use of outside force in libya wilful fair and square on the shoulders of the margin to take such actions if this happens then the civilian population of libya. holding peace and security throughout the whole region of north africa in the middle east has a need to avoid such destabilizing develop and. so that does raise the concerns back to the question of where exactly will this no fly zone and many unanswered questions many fears a lot of concern and certainly a feeling of uncertainty here in libya i was arctic or spotted paula sawyer reporting from tripoli libya. excuse me while president obama spoke about the matter in libya about what's going on this afternoon and he said in no uncertain terms that if gadhafi does not back down that the u.n. security council resolution will be enforced through tough military action he used gadhafi threat against rebel forces to try to make his case take
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a listen and just yesterday speaking of the city of benghazi. the city of roughly seven hundred thousand people he threatens. we will have no mercy and no kidding no mercy on his own citizens all right so listening to president obama's speech and thinking bigger about this we've got to ask why libya why not get involved in other countries also in dire situations all the help answer that question we go to when osiris to speak with author and research researcher adrian babuji avery let's talk about this decision by the u.s. as one of the members of the u.n. security council to support a no fly zone in libya and how perhaps it differs from other countries what's going on there say the ivory coast are rain and yemen talk about the difference here. well underway first of all i think that this is deja vu all over i mean i can
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hardly believe my eyes and ears when i see that they are starting to do again what they did in the balkans that they are threatening now like they've been in close to thirty eight years ago against iraq over alleged weapons of mass destruction that they're not even exist but it did cost one point three million iraqi lives so i think we have to be very careful as to the pursuit decision of the information given by the western mainstream media regarding what is really happening in libya and of course we do not like some of those images but if britain were to fight against the ira or spain against a separatist e.t.a. group and they want to take action would we also correct name later we would be already threatening to intervene in britain and spain or if washington state wanted to cede from the union in america we would be accusing obama of the empire they just wanted to stop it. i think it's really important that you brought up the situation in the balkans back in one thousand nine hundred nine the nato approved
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deal that happened there compare the situations i mean there are starting to be a lot of similarities we've got. all of it on the left of the back there we've got qaddafi here there are two leaders that are. stubborn keeping their position and there's also this violence that's happening do you think similar outcome will happen here as back then usually yes the similar outcome usually has to do with people having to feel the brunt of all the violence both from both sides whether nato or whether it be the ongoing rejean but i would suggest bringing something new to the table that we have to see the overriding agenda of the global power elites that i think are driving the decisions in london and in france. and even in the united nations because what we've been seeing over the past three months in all of north africa and the better part of the middle east is an attack for real gene change and this all has one thing in common by getting rid of the our friendly are
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not so friendly or even the energy of the road syrian regime is friendly and egypt unfriendly in libya what they are doing is they are basically eroding the nation state which is built on the global power elite agenda notably the trilateral commission the builders the council on foreign relations for at least forty years so the fact that they are you rolling all these nation states even dragging libya into a veritable civil war is necessary and the fact that they are talking about american style democracy which is really basically a vote counting mechanism so subordinate to the money power i think that what we have to see is understand what the larger interests are and precisely they refer to roshan of nation states libya and egypt to keep cases and i think they won't even stop us from eugene so we can go on saudi arabia and kuwait but avery and i don't understand here i mean here we are live. a sovereign nation and they're not attacking anyone else what's happening is i think can be considered internal
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affairs and it's always been sort of the establishment that outside states don't have a right to interfere with these internal affairs how is this being justified not anymore and it's not being justified because the global power elite it's rather localized station it's a statement in global development but it's already done with and they are slowly slowly ushering in world governments and world government there will be no sovereign nations so they either coming or the coming by with libya being one of the war unfriendly states they will be dragged into a civil war if need be in order to impose their position if it's another case or to get a little bit more mild but it always was one of their force so i think that we now have to understand the whole concept of the sovereign nation states is under attack under question and the mainstream media are providing the russia now the excuse for them to do so legally but not legitimate i think another thing that we've heard time and time again is the humanitarian piece of this puzzle certainly president
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obama and some of these other countries have said you know we need to get involved because the people there the rebel forces the regular old civilians they are in danger their lives are in danger so we've got this humanitarian effort but we can't forget what we just saw with the drone attack on the afghan pakistan border i think in north waziristan forty one people killed by a u.s. led drone attack so we've got that and then we've got let's do a no fly zone in libya in the name of humanitarian aid which is that. it's called double standards when your friends do it it's ok when you do it it's ok when someone else does it it's not ok again eight years ago we were seeing the outright invasion of iraq the destruction of the act it cost one point five one point three actually million who lives iraqi lives all based on a totally false why what is a mass destruction that were never found and nobody ever even says i'm sorry the same goes for afghanistan the same goes for parts of pakistan the thing goes for
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palestine which is. attacked by the same abuse of us as they are our guys it's ok the problem is when somebody else does these things which is not justifiable whether because nazi or uranian i don't all of them. but the thing is there's always we use double standards and regrettably united nations and the mainstream western media are already to this in trying to promote psychological warfare so that the bulk of global public opinion will assert the good guy bad guy rationale which only exists in walt disney cartoons i think a lot of questions a lot of people have this question on their minds what exactly are we trying to achieve and do we have the resources to achieve it we'll keep an eye on the situation but thanks so much author and researcher aid adrian south bootie he was joining us from santa cyrus and i want to move on now to chaos of a different kind of devastation and the increasing fear in japan happening of course of the nuclear situation there you know with each new report and new update
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there seems to be signs that this disaster is getting worse not better are these eyes were bennett is in japan and brings us the latest. right now they're still trying to reconnect power to the site so they can get those cooling systems up and running and bring the temperature down inside the reactor that seems like the only way they're now going to prevent or could be a real nuclear disaster they're now focusing on reactor number two because this morning they actually saw smoke rising from the reactor they don't know what the cause was about i don't think it was an explosion because that wasn't heard clearly the temperature inside is very hot so all they've already managed to do was to lay a power cable from the main bridge a kilometer long cable to try and restore power but they haven't managed to connect better yet the radiation is very high still and also the outer casing of the reactor the containment vessel was badly damaged in the explosion that happened earlier this week now in the meantime they are trying everything they can to try to
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keep the temperature down trying to cool the reactors there. off of the first four actually had explosions since the earthquake for example yesterday at reactor number three they doused in sixty four tons of water from a cops from above and water cannons from below and the early hours of this morning fire department they sent thirty of their fire engines that were throwing everything they got it is the head of the u.n. nuclear watchdog the international atomic energy agency who's in tokyo right now meeting with the japanese prime minister he came out and said that to prevent this turning into a full scale nuclear disaster they're going to have to cooperate with the international help the government spokesman at least a guy who's the chief cabinet secretary has come out and said that although there are very high radiation readings in some places he says that it doesn't pose a direct negative effect to the one's health because in these places it's not coming into direct human contact however a number of countries actually don't believe this and what they're doing is
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actually warning their citizens not to go within fifty kilometers of a nuclear power plant whereas the japanese government has imposed an exclusion zone of twenty kilometers tell. well in thirty to stairway and yes the very top because the little bit from the east coast to was from we go i can't turn to see what residence. this is the town of the o.r. i around half way between tokyo and fukushima i'm still a hundred fifty kilometers south of the nuclear power plant but already the radiation levels here over double that of those in tokyo the geiger counter i've got just started beeping wildly and shortcuts are not point five month receive it's per hour it's not harmful to one's health especially just yet it is certainly a concern so much so that the army has started to hand out these face masks here but people are wearing you know they're not going to hear this and we're very free go get radiation who can do very much wanted all we can do is call the media and
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trust the government is. the tsunami didn't actually come in this far inland but the town escaped most of the damage however since the earthquake they've been without drinking water here in the residence at the common fill up was they need from points like this in the town set up by the army further up the coast it's a similar story we've been travelling on this road for the last ten fifteen kilometers looking for a place to have lunch but none of the restaurants are open. it will take another week until we can loop and with electricity because we can't do anything they don't water. this is the start of japan's ravaged east coast and irene life either their bridges lie strewn all over the place here a wall collapsed over here fallacies of falling down such as the force of the tsunami this is also the point where we don't turn back because they die the county's reading the highest it has done all day one point zero for mike to see what's playing out. here is that i won't be able to live here anymore and this is
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my home obviously i fear for my health for the radiation but it's not just about that i'm afraid i won't be able to come back here we're only around a hundred and twenty kilometers south of fukushima power plant now if the wind blows this way and even worse if the rain comes in the radiation will shortz arrives to inform us and that was r.t. correspondent i were bennett from nagasaki japan. for more now on the nuclear disaster looming in japan how and how the car joins us from montreal canada she's the author of this book nuclear power is not the answer. heather how i wanted to get your take on are exactly what's going on it seems that every new report every update we get out of japan from that nuclear plant there seems to get worse and worse what is your take on what's happening here. well i mean yes so then there was but i mean just beginning but that's the problem. so we recklessly unsought oh one
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part you know the wars are on the rock and roll so we're all very curling who or where we are infallible one who was for us and that means as for roads we stopped. the car the i'm climbing of the rod will ignite mixing with learning and that will allow the rug was pulled down bottom how regular life and melts into a motion my i'm not really a really huge amount of radioactive material in glee is interest charges will be carried by the wind. is the true word you kinds of or sort of the god of wind now certainly those working on that are really working day by day moment by moment really just trying to to cool these reactors down but there's starting to come some solutions or proposed solutions for the future and i know one of them is the idea of you know varying this nuclear plant and concrete and sand have you
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heard about this and so i mean it was a first i do but it didn't start for most enormous really great ice and some snow balls the new york compiling the science was was just come out with were of course frustrating five thousand papers in russia into a gracious and october million people had already died. and my beginning braunstein not all pharmacies thinking muncy seven losses. this or any my hoss a million years and they buy or come to try to. lead in the series shine for you cause when you were in mine most were there already where we will be one hundred. and thirty growing there right here right in there i didn't know if we. in rubles. obviously based on the title of your book helen we know your position on this but i know i think it was back in two thousand to
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a report came out by the united nations saying a lot of these things that happened these reserves we resulted chernobyl were actually. over exaggerated what's your take on this i mean this is a u.n. report that says a lot of the drama that sort of came out of there wasn't true but you know and has been the law and there is not a holy alliance with agreement between us now so it's a moment in the sierras and in the world moreover overdyes lation growing by three fold the side that if there is a new thing i see them the governor has always said mother unless the i promoted. from his brother being a huge it was there a tory across iraq a lot of which i have never seen in medical we did the whole. keeping with this connection to chernobyl i know that when that happened thousands upon thousands of people were brought in to help to deal with that crisis and it's really interesting when you look what's happening in japan i think that numbers in
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the low hundreds why is so few resources and do you think that this will be able to i mean with so few people that there will even be a chance of making the situation better now as the chances we might well are for the people to broadmoor and for i know they at least getting such huge variation in some of them are now hospitalized with acute radiation elmer and i will be very gruesome and so do we i mean there floating out haunting and believing that we're there you where you can ration insects and you brush your mommy in about i get minions the political liquid places i might be hurt but i was but i'm not up for a walk around picking up was spent fuel rods in a bad hand you said and the one you are for several seconds you will get a lethal brady. we think way there was maine coon and brown the nucleus home and
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where i'm from makes well i got a place early brian wilderness wrote a tech theological run and being made i think he was and my god was the way that we called lipper day and i got leave with a. humbling honorary certainly not an optimistic outlook but we do thank you this is something that you've spent a lot of time researching and writing about how in call the con author of nuclear power is not the answer. while thousands in japan struggle to stay warm after the massive earthquake and tsunami it's a struggle many here in the u.s. have felt before for years or americans have been forced to choose between heating their homes and putting food on their tables this as oil prices worldwide are skyrocketing but hitting help is on the way from venezuelan president hugo chavez and it's causing quite a stir in washington artie's cohen board has more on the oil spat that's heating up
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in congress. with a dorothy day house every day is about doing a lot with a little ladies wednesday someone who needed bestival bread salvaged from the trash heap canned food donated at christmas that most last year and feed twenty five formerly homeless families live under direct route sharing meals parenting support and heat up until three years ago heating oil was the shelters biggest expense looking at the thermostat was something ember mason dreaded longer do we have the put money into it it's so expensive kathy boylan has lived and worked here for more than a decade helping homeless mothers back on their feet with a budget of a thousand dollars per month and we try on a shoestring to keep this home for twenty people at the moment functioning so when citizens energy offered her free heating oil from venezuela she took it and that's how much we had to pay for three thousand and twenty dollars so it's watch
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more than once or three quarters of our our our budget is paid by citizens and citizens energy is a nonprofit chaired by joe kennedy for six years it's distributed donated venezuela heating oil to the poor in twenty five u.s. states my job with the help of the world heating oil is forty. one but after a diplomatic freeze that sent venezuela's ambassador packing two months ago the only thing giving up between. venezuela and the u.s. is the thermostat republican congressman climaxed publicly denounce kennedy he should not allow his name to be associated with a thug a crack in latin america who is bent on talking about your job as bent on destroying the foundation of what america stands for but didn't call for an embargo on the forty billion dollars in trade the u.s. has with the chavez government congressman americas all the sort of
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rats who called for an embargo or. venezuelan oil well i just think that it's interesting that one organization that he's chosen to put in his gun sights is a little nonprofit or for big oil companies like you know go philips exxon mobil and chevron texaco to start selling ten billion dollars a year worth of venezuelan oil they're able to fund all of these congress people because of the profits that they're making and that they could be using some of the profits to help the poor naches find citgo to stop giving it away even as president obama announced two point five billion dollars in cuts to america's own low income heating oil assistance program following a diplomatic spat washington in caracas remain without each other's ambassadors in their countries but with i'm rested revolution in the middle east americans may be forced to depend more on venezuelan oil as these families are ready to kill and ford r.t. washington d.c.
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and later this evening the president is headed to a lot in america but then as well is not on his trip and third held next stops in brazil alfalfa door and shilling so is this visit about competition or future business earlier i posed that question to deborah james the director of the international programs at the center for economic and policy research here's what she had to say. well i certainly don't think that the obama administration is going to frame it as competition but it's very clear china became the biggest foreign investor in latin america last year and the way that the obama administration has framed this trip is really about opening up new markets and expanding the u.s. presence in markets in brazil we have to keep in mind that we in the united states because of i think republican opposition were not able to do a stimulus program that would have been adequate to jumpstart our economy given the crash experience and so because of that the obama administration has announced
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a policy of doubling exports by two for twenty fifteen and what that means really is that we're sort of asking the rest of the world to bail us out because we weren't able to do it domestically and brazil they see is an emerging market and a place that can help us do that so the entire framing of the administration around the strip really has been around trying to place more u.s. products in markets in brazil i think from the brazilian point of view it's a little striking because they actually went from a very big trade surplus in two thousand and six to a very big trade deficit with the united states so this is not sort of a perspective that's necessarily going to resonate with them i think they have a lot of other issues on their agenda that's what i was going to say i mean it seems that this is not a totally new idea trying to do business and improve relations with these countries it seems that in the past in the past recent past that latin american countries have said you know washington you might have been a big deal in the past but not so much now yes i think it's really striking in the last five or ten years how much latin america has become a region that is quite independent in terms of its foreign policy from the united
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states it is notable actually america is more independent from the u.s. than is europe at this point and if you look at a number of the key issues on brazil's agenda for this trip as well as some of the key foreign policy issues brazil has taken a different stance from the united states on many of the key ones we can go over and it really is striking it's not sort of the time. you know ten or twenty years ago do you think he has a good chance on this visit then to try to win their hearts and minds while their top priority really for this trip i think has to do with getting u.s. support for a seat for brazil on the u.n. security council and as you know the very powerful foreign minister of brazil celso amorim actually published an op ed this week saying this is a great opportunity for the united states to do that it sort of it's time for the security council to become more relevant to today's power dynamics globally and brazil really does deserve a seat it's unclear whether obama will announce that but i think if you look at many of the different policies just take what's happening right now with libya
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there was the vote on the security council this week and brazil abstained along with many of them urging market countries that's something the u.s. would have liked to have seen support on i think i don't think the united states was happy last year and november when brazil announced that it was going to be recognizing palestine as a state that's something that ruffled a lot of feathers within the foreign policy establishment in congress here in the united states i don't think it was obviously a very big problem last year when brazil worked together with turkey to negotiate a nuclear arrangement with iran to try to come up with a solution and that did cause some ruffling of feathers in the united states as well and that's just on the big international issues that was ever james director of the international programs center for economic and policy research and that is going to do it for now for more on the stories we covered go to r.t. dot com slash usa also check out our youtube page youtube dot com slash r t america it's.


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